Monday, April 11, 2005

Radar Bros :: The Fallen Leaf Pages

I like to write reviews first thing in the morning typically. This morning it's Monday. I'm a little foggy from a weekend of intense method drinking. Before arriving to work, I managed to have my neighbor's dog jump on me and put two big muddy paw prints on my clean white shirt. Then, as I disembarked for a gainful day, I managed to slam my van into my fiance's honda. This is definitely Monday.
Arriving to work, I stared at my list of records to review and wondered if there was anything there that could possibly help my dismal morning. Ladies and Gentlemen...I give you Radar Bros. This Los Angeles based trio, led by Jim Putnam explore the softer, pinker side of the bloated belly of indie rock. This music is unassuming, charming, warm, and very pleasant. Understated, spot on vocals, creeping tempos, lilting theremin-like keyboard chirps and wails, and tasteful guitars work together in concert with smart, extremely well crafted songwriting to make the kind of record that you could put on just after a car was my case, and feel like it was all gonna be allright.
Much like 2002's "And the Surrounding Mountains", "The Fallen Leaf Pages" blends tones and moods in very much the same way you might find on albums by Sparklehorse, Pink Floyd (Atom Heart Mother through Dark Side of the Moon), The For Carnation, Pernice Brothers, Alan Parson's Project, Grandaddy or even at times like the later work of the Flaming Lips or Mercury Rev. The difference that makes the Radar Bros. shine is there wonderful consistency. Every song, though different from the last, has the same attention to detail. Every song is orchestrated to perfection. Every song stands on it's own. There is no filler or "lo-fi" experimentation. "The Fallen Leaf Pages" is a thinking person's record, made by some thinking people. Definitely a great listen.
Purchase now from iTunes Music store:

Radar Brothers


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